Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ubuntu 8.04 screen brightness issue

Recently upgraded from Ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 LTS on the lappy. Good for the most part, but it does seem to have its share of kinks which are surprising in that one expects incremental improvements. Screen brightness can now be set with the function keys, which is awesome. However, the GUI for doing the same through Power Management Options seems to be missing. 7.10 had this and I had to monkey with it each time the laptop came back from hibernation.

In 8.10, I have the function brightness up/down keys working, but the laptop seems to jump to medium / maximum brightness anytime I haven't touched any key for a few minutes. This is annoying. I can understand something like this happening when coming out of standby or hibernate, but while it is still running and not in screen-saver mode or anything is simply perplexing.

still searching for a fix. Also found out that there might be a heating / cooling issue.

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